What we do is simple. We help people access the services and programs they need to remain living independently and with dignity in their own home or with family caregivers. We receive federal and state funding allocated to serve older adults and family caregivers in our six-county southeast Michigan service region, which includes Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland St. Clair and Washtenaw counties. We offer many services directly, while also partnering with other community organizations in the delivery of senior services. Together with our community partners, we help build a strong local network of supports, resources and services for older adults in our region.
Programs and services we can help people access include:
Through organized advocacy efforts, we help make sure the voice of our region’s seniors are heard. We work closely with our state legislators to help them understand the needs of older adults in our community.
At AgeWays, our work is centered around the people we serve. Our staff brings a variety of expertise. We are social workers, nurses, finance managers and administrators. But whatever role we play, our work is always guided by a person-centered, person-first attitude that keeps the seniors and people with disabilities we serve front and center.
Over 700,000 Seniors in Our Care: Our six-county region includes over 730,000 people age 60+. It’s estimated that the 60+ population in our region is growing by 60 people per day.
Over 100,000 Meals Served Each Year: AgeWays’s network of home-delivered meal providers provides approximately 10,000 meals a month or 120,000 meals annually.
Over 3,000 Phone Calls Answered a Month: Our Information & Assistance Call Center guides people to the resources and information they need.
AIRS and NCQA Accredited: AgeWays is accredited by the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) and is also accredited by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) in Case Management for Long-Term Services and Supports (CM-LTSS). Our accreditations show our commitment to quality.