Address: PO Box 272, Chelsea, MI 48118
Phone: 734-475-9494
Caregivers ride along at no additional cost.
Door-to-door transportation service includes: Chelsea Door-To-Door, Dexter Door-To-Door, LifeLine Door-to-Door (travels countywide from Chelsea and Dexter areas. All programs provide transportation for medical, shopping, recreational and educational purposes. Door-To-Door services are provided within Chelsea area and Dexter School District areas. Lifeline door-to-door provide services from those areas to locations in Washtenaw County. Services are available Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Fixed route services are curb-to-curb services and include: The Chelsea Community Ride, a free shuttle that provides access to locations along the Chelsea shopping district. The Community Connector West travels on a fixed route from Chelsea to Dexter to Ann Arbor, where riders can transfer to the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority Bus 9 at Jackson and Zeeb Road Meijer. The Community Connector East provides fixed route along Jackson Road. The Community Connector East also provides route deviation services ¾ mile off the route from residences to the main route and can connects with AAATA’s A-Ride services at the Zeeb Road Meijer. Provides service Monday-Friday from 6:00 AM-9:00 PM, dependent upon day/week. All vehicles equipped with wheelchair lifts. See for schedules