Advocating for Michigan seniors is a key part of what AgeWays Nonprofit Senior Services does. But we can’t do it alone. We need the help, support and voices of our region’s older adults and aging network professionals and organizations.
You can become a voice for seniors in our region by joining our Senior Advocacy Network (SAN). SAN is made up of individuals and organizations that are committed to following public policy issues that affect older adults and speaking out on the behalf of seniors. SAN offers different ways to get involved depending on your interests and your availability.
SAN members:
If you would like to join our Senior Advocacy Network, contact AgeWays advocacy specialist at or call the Advocacy Department at (248) 262-9232.
Our 2023 Legislative Platform focuses on 16 key areas that will help older adults and family caregivers in our region stay living at home and in the community.
Download and read the full AgeWays 2023 Legislative Platform.
Find out more about the need for increased funding for critical senior services like
Learn more about other statewide advocacy issues for 2023 on our Older Michiganian’s Day page.
Read past issues of our “Advocate” newsletter
Held at the state capital every May, Older Michiganians Day gathers seniors and advocates from around the state for a day of learning about issues and interacting with our Michigan legislators.