

Information & Assistance Line Helps Seniors and Caregiver Connect with Resources

AgeWays Nonprofit Senior Services | January 2025

Our Information and Assistance telephone line is available Monday through Friday, from 8 am through 5 pm at (800) 852-7795. It gives older adults and their families a place to turn when they have questions or need to find resources to help a senior or person with a disability. It’s staffed by compassionate people who know all about the organizations, programs, benefits  and services available to assist seniors, people with disabilities and family caregivers here in the six counties we serve (Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair and Washtenaw). Our database gives us access to thousands of senior-focused organizations and programs. We are an unbiased guide and a trusted resource—helping families find, navigate and understand the programs and services available to help them—whether those are programs offered directly by AgeWays or programs offered by other local organizations.

Government funding helps support our Information and Assistance telephone line, so there is never a charge to call. It’s part of our nonprofit mission.

What Kind of Questions Do We Answer?

Often people call us in a time of crisis—when they are concerned about themselves, a parent, a spouse, a friend or a neighbor. We listen, ask questions, and then help people problem solve and connect with the appropriate resources. Some of the most common areas we answer questions on are:

  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Legal assistance
  • Caregiving
  • Support groups for family caregivers
  • Whether you might be eligible for government benefits and how to apply
  • Where to find help paying utility bills
  • Whether you might qualify for one of our Home Care programs
  • Where to find services for seniors and people with disabilities
  • What to do if you believe a senior is experiencing neglect or abuse

What to Expect When You Call

Expect to spend about 15 minutes on the phone with us when you call, and there can sometimes be a small wait to be connected to one of our staff. If you do not want to wait, you can submit your question or concern using our online form.  We typically respond to these forms within two business days.

If you are calling to see if you might qualify for one of our home care programs, expect to spend 20  to 30 minutes on the phone with us. In this case, it will also help if you have some key pieces of information about the person who needs help available when you call. This information helps us understand if they may be eligible. Information we may ask for:

  • Demographic information: Legal name, age, address, date of birth, marital status, social security number, address and telephone number
  • Income information: Eligibility for our home care programs is based, in part, on financial need. To begin determining if you’re eligible, we will need income information. For the MI Choice program, we will need the exact gross monthly income (gross income is the amount before Medicare premiums and other deductions are taken out) and income sources (Social Security, pension, etc.)
  • Information on any assets: The value of checking or savings accounts, stocks, bonds, annuities, money market accounts, certificates of deposit, 401k plans or life insurance policies that have cash value (primary homes and vehicles or personal belonging should not be included)
  • Information on the level of care needed: What major medical conditions does the person have? What kind of help with activities of daily living (dressing, bathing, eating, preparing meals and taking care of the home) does the person need help with? What can they no longer do for themselves?