Tuesday, August 29th, 2023
Authorities are tracking companies that are billing Medicare for Covid test kits they are sending to Medicare beneficiaries who didn't order them. At $80 to $200 apiece, the claims add up to thousands of dollars paid by taxpayers. Case in point: The home of a deceased woman in Arkansas received 2-3 test kits per week until the trustee of her estate began looking into it and alerted the government. A Wisconsin woman ...
Continue ReadingTuesday, June 20th, 2023
Watch an interview with AgeWays Resource Center Manager Angela Lippard. Angela talks about how her team works to create a safe and affirming environment that helps LGBTQ+ older adults access care. Watch the video or read the transcript below. Make sure to scroll to the end of the transcript for more resources for LGBTQ+ older adults. Watch the Video Read the Transcript Kathleen Yanik: Hi, I'm Kathleen Yanik. I'm the communications manager here ...
Continue ReadingWednesday, June 7th, 2023
During the Covid pandemic, the federal government ordered states to keep people enrolled in Medicaid, the state-run health insurance program for low-income residents. That meant that recipients did not have to reapply for benefits each year. Now that ‘continuous enrollment’ in Medicaid and Healthy Michigan (the Medicaid program for people 19 to 64 years old) is ending this month many seniors may need to reapply for Medicaid benefits, or perhaps even apply ...
Continue ReadingMonday, May 8th, 2023
A study out of the University of Michigan found that people between 65 and 80 years old living in their own homes had an easier time coping with anxiety and other mental health challenges than younger folks during the Covid pandemic. In fact, those findings of the University of Michigan’s Healthy Aging Poll are pretty much the same in non-pandemic times: Older adults adapt better to crisis situations. “It’s resilience, wisdom, the ...
Continue ReadingThursday, April 6th, 2023
Virtual Public Hearing via Zoom May 11, 2023 1:00 pm AgeWays is holding a virtual public forum to gather comments on its implementation plan for approximately $26 million in annual federal and state funding earmarked for senior services in its six-county service region during fiscal year 2024, which runs from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024. The hearing will happen via Zoom on Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. The AgeWays service ...
Continue ReadingWednesday, April 5th, 2023
Michigan Needs to Expand its Ombudsman Program Michigan has 100,000-plus nursing home residents. A crew of 20 “ombudsmen” statewide are charged with advocating on their behalf. That’s 1 person for every 5,000 residents (the Institute of Medicine recommends a ratio of 1 to 2,000). To say that these champions for some of our most vulnerable citizens are stretched thin is a serious understatement. Last year alone, the three ombudsmen who cover 140 ...
Continue ReadingTuesday, February 7th, 2023
For family caregivers, getting some time to themselves to rest and recharge is crucial—but it can also be difficult. There can be barriers, including cost and getting your loved one to accept care delivered by someone other than you. Knowing what kinds of respite care are available—and where to find that care—can be an important first step. We’ve created a quick roundup of respite care options to help you understand what ...
Continue ReadingThursday, December 22nd, 2022
Winter has arrived in lower Michigan, and will most certainly bring snowstorms, icy road conditions, power outages and other inconveniences. It pays to be prepared for emergencies. If you have a generator, keep it outside because of the potential for carbon monoxide poisoning from the unit. Make sure you've got three days' worth of canned goods to eat and 1 gallon of water per person for at least three days. Keep a flashlight and ...
Continue ReadingTuesday, November 29th, 2022
The holidays are upon us again. (How did that happen so fast?) If you are a caregiver, the season might be a crazy emotional mix—equal parts stress, joy, sticky family dynamics, nostalgia, and maybe a sprinkle of anticipatory grief. So how do you get through this busy season as an already overwhelmed caregiver? Here are some tips to help you make it through to the New Year. Keep It Simple and ...
Continue ReadingTuesday, November 8th, 2022
From Our Family to Yours Caring for an older loved one can often involve sacrifice. We know that every hour given to unpaid caregiving is one less hour you can give to earning a living and one less hour you have for your other responsibilities. It means less time for yourself. Family caregivers suffer from stress and illnesses in far greater numbers than those who are not caring for a loved ...
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