Diabetes Management

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Find Tools That Work and Live Your Best Life

Diabetes-Personal Action Toward Health (D-PATH) is a six-week workshop that helps people 60 and up map out a plan to help manage their type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes PATH Is Different

Lots of organizations offer diabetes management classes, and you may have taken a workshop or class in the past. But D-PATH is different. It focuses on helping you find the tools and techniques that will work for you and your lifestyle. Trained instructors will help you explore different management strategies and options and map out an action plan just for you. Contact us to learn more: (833) 262-2200 or email wellnessprograms@AgeWays.org.

Classes will help you:

  • Cope with symptoms
  • Learn strategies for healthy eating
  • Find ways to work more effectively with your doctor
  • Deal with emotional challenges, like depression, anger, frustration and fear

Join Others on the Same Journey

Classes are held in a small group setting, where you can bounce challenges and ideas off other people who are on the same health journey as you. Family members are encouraged to attend the workshop with you.

Classes Scheduled Continuously

Right now, we are offering our classes virtually. Our virtual classes are held using GoToMeeting, an online meeting service. You can participate using your Smartphone, computer or tablet.  We hope to soon go back to holding in-person classes as well. In-person classes are held in neighborhood settings like senior centers, community centers and religious centers throughout our six-county region. You can see a list of select upcoming classes on the right-hand side of this page. You can also  visit our events calendar for a full list of upcoming classes or call us at (833) 262-2200 or email wellnessprograms@AgeWays.org.

No Cost for Classes

Classes are free, but donations are accepted. They help make sure we can bring the classes to other people.

Ready to Start? Registration is Easy

You must register in advance, but we’ve made it easy. It just takes a few minutes. Call (833) 262-2200 or email wellnessprograms@AgeWays.org.